3 Putting in action wyz.code.offensiveProgramming
The package provides R tools to ease offensive programming exploitation.
3.1 Package overview
The package is organized around 4 axis that are elaboration, verification, exploitation and information. At any time you may get a list of the package functions by calling function packageFunctionsInformation that provides a truth table for each function in package wyz.code.offensiveProgramming. This is helpful when lost or just as a reminder.
#> function elaboration verification
#> 1: defineEvaluationModes TRUE TRUE
#> 2: defineFunctionReturnTypesParameterName TRUE TRUE
#> 3: defineTestCaseDefinitionsParameterName TRUE TRUE
#> 4: EvaluationMode TRUE TRUE
#> 5: FunctionParameterTypeFactory TRUE TRUE
#> 6: FunctionParameterName TRUE TRUE
#> 7: TestCaseDefinition TRUE TRUE
#> 8: verifyClassName TRUE TRUE
#> 9: verifyFunctionName TRUE TRUE
#> 10: verifyObjectNames TRUE TRUE
#> 11: verifyFunctionReturnTypesDefinition TRUE TRUE
#> 12: verifyTestCaseDefinitions TRUE TRUE
#> 13: retrieveFunctionReturnTypes TRUE TRUE
#> 14: retrieveTestCaseDefinitions TRUE TRUE
#> 15: runFunction TRUE TRUE
#> 16: runTestCases TRUE TRUE
#> 17: isAuditable TRUE TRUE
#> 18: packageFunctionsInformation TRUE TRUE
#> exploitation information kind user
#> 1: TRUE TRUE information developer
#> 2: TRUE TRUE information developer
#> 3: TRUE TRUE information developer
#> 4: TRUE TRUE elaboration developer
#> 5: TRUE TRUE elaboration developer
#> 6: FALSE FALSE elaboration developer
#> 7: FALSE FALSE elaboration developer
#> 8: TRUE TRUE verification developer
#> 9: TRUE TRUE verification developer
#> 10: TRUE TRUE verification developer
#> 11: TRUE TRUE verification integrator
#> 12: TRUE TRUE verification integrator
#> 13: TRUE TRUE exploitation integrator
#> 14: TRUE TRUE exploitation integrator
#> 15: TRUE TRUE exploitation end-user
#> 16: TRUE TRUE exploitation end-user
#> 17: TRUE TRUE exploitation end-user
#> 18: TRUE TRUE information anyone