6 Evaluation modes

Package wyz.code.offensiveProgramming comes with several evaluation modes. You may retrieve them by using function defineEvaluationModes that returns the 3 following modes

  1. standard_R_evaluation
  2. enhanced_R_evaluation
  3. type_checking_enforcement

6.1 Understanding evaluation modes

The first mode, standard_R_evaluation, is to ease comparisons with standard R evaluation. It does not make any sense to use only this mode when using wyz.code.offensiveProgramming.

The second mode, enhanced_R_evaluation, goes further than standard R evaluation, as it implies a function return type verification.

The third mode, type_checking_enforcement, goes still further than the second mode, as it implies a function parameter types verification.

Roughly speaking, second mode let’s you verify function return types in accordance with recorded information, and the third mode, mimics a compiler output for R but it still interpreted language.