12 Implementation figures

As a reminder, package versions are stated in preamble.

12.1 File statistics

R package R files size Rd files size
wyz.code.offensiveProgramming 41 54 36 41
wyz.code.testthat 8 10 4 8
wyz.code.metaTesting 24 43 12 21
wyz.code.rdoc 48 72 35 59

All sizes expressed in kilobytes.

12.2 Code statistics

R package exposed functions internal functions
wyz.code.offensiveProgramming 34 6
wyz.code.testthat 5 3
wyz.code.metaTesting 10 17
wyz.code.rdoc 17 35

Internal functions counts only function related to topic, not all internal functions.

12.3 Tests and coverage

R package number of tests natural coverage
wyz.code.offensiveProgramming 450 99.21% - 7 lines not covered
wyz.code.testthat 21 99.48% - 1 line not covered
wyz.code.metaTesting 475 99.09% - 7 lines not covered
wyz.code.rdoc 812 98.36% - 22 lines not covered

Natural coverage is the coverage without any coverage instrumentation. No file is off the coverage. No function nor code line is off also. In such a context, computed coverage really tells the percentage of lines covered by tests.